Pulmonary Rehab Out of Reach for MillionsÂ
A Yale-led study reveals geographic regions where this type of care is most lacking and illustrates the potential for telemedicine in helping to bridge this gap.
A Yale-led study reveals geographic regions where this type of care is most lacking and illustrates the potential for telemedicine in helping to bridge this gap.
A Yale-led study reveals geographic regions where this type of care is most lacking and illustrates the potential for telemedicine in helping to bridge this gap.
Read MoreAccording to a nationwide study, pulmonary rehab rates in South Korea gradually increased from 0.03%Â to 1.4%Â during a four-year period, but that number remains “suboptimal.”
Read MoreStudies show that those with long COVID may benefit from physical therapy services as soon as they are able to tolerate physical activity.
Read MoreThe COPD Foundation and Kivo Health, which provides telehealth pulmonary rehabilitation for individuals with COPD, have partnered to improve access to virtual pulmonary rehab.
Read MoreThe latest guideline from the American Thoracic Society reaffirms benefits for patients with COPD as well as pulmonary hypertension and interstitial lung disease.
Read MoreMany stroke patients don’t receive much rehab therapy, despite strong evidence that higher amounts can reduce long-term disability.
Read MoreMiddle-aged endurance athletes have better control of blood pressure and higher arterial elasticity than sedentary adults in the same age group.
Read MoreIn metropolitan areas 72.8% of Medicare beneficiaries with COPD had a pulmonary rehab center within 10 miles, compared with 38.2% in micropolitan and 17.1% in small town and rural areas.
Read MoreExtubated COVID-19 patients who began a pulmonary rehab program before day 7 post-extubation had quicker recovery than those who started later.
Read MoreCOPD patients who participate in pulmonary rehabilitation within 90 days of hospitalization are less likely to require readmission.
Read MoreAmong 111,356 veterans with pulmonary hypertension, only 1,737 (1.6%) patients received pulmonary rehabilitation.
Read MoreIn-office spirometry and pulmonary function tests play a key role in determining whether chronic lung disease patients qualify for (and benefit from) pulmonary rehabilitation.
Read MoreYoga was helpful in improving exercise capacity as assessed by the 6-minute walk test. Yoga...
Read MoreA pulmonary rehab program that included breathing exercises, pulmonary hygiene techniques, and more, improved physical activity in non-CF bronchiectasis patients.
Read MoreThe American Lung Association will host a Lung Force Expo on June 15 in Kansas City, Mo.
Read MoreThe class offers respiratory therapists the opportunity to earn a specialized certificate in Pulmonary Rehabilitation.
Read MoreAn infant born prematurely at only 24-weeks at a Boston Hospital has now been discharged after a 10-month hospital stay that involved respiratory infections, tracheotomy, round the clock ventilation, and pulmonary rehab from RTs.
Read MoreA meta-analysis questions the effect of PAP therapy on cardiovascular problems in patients with...
Read MorePeople with COPD are more likely to be active and to participate in pulmonary rehabilitation if they live with others and have a caregiver, ATS research reports.
Read MoreHill-Rom Holdings Inc. has acquired Mortara Instrument Inc for $330 million, the company...
Read MoreTai chi was associated with a 20% lower risk of falling at least once and a 31% drop in the number of falls, researchers found.
Read MoreOnly 3.7% of Medicare patients with COPDÂ used pulmonary rehabilitation in 2012, an increase of 1.1% since 2003, according to a JCRP study.
Read MoreThoracic pain is highly prevalent in COPD patients and is related to impaired disease-specific health status, but there is no relationship with FEV1, static hyperinflation, dyspnea severity or functional exercise capacity.
Read MoreResults of an 8-week at-home pulmonary rehabilitation program were comparable to those from a clinical-based PR program, according to research at ATS 2016.
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