Baxter Issues Correction for Life2000 Ventilator Due to Battery Charger Defect
Baxter is replacing faulty battery chargers in the Life2000 Ventilator system after identifying a defect that triggers alarms and renders the device inoperable.
Baxter is replacing faulty battery chargers in the Life2000 Ventilator system after identifying a defect that triggers alarms and renders the device inoperable.
Analysis of FDA clearance documents for pulse oximeters finds increasing but still low compliance with 2013 FDA non-mandatory recommendation.
The at-home device uses heated dry air therapy to help manage congestion and promote nasal and throat hygiene.
Supported by a $1.2 million NIH grant, the multi-modal device will be tested in a clinical study involving 45 patients with COPD.
CorVent Medical's Respond ventilator, offering both invasive and non-invasive capabilities, has received FDA 510(k) clearance.
A Yale-led study reveals geographic regions where this type of care is most lacking and illustrates the potential for telemedicine in helping to bridge this gap.