Essential Skills for Difficult Airway Intubation
Success achieving a secure airway for difficult airway patients relies on the skills and knowledge of emergency medicine and critical care providers.
Success achieving a secure airway for difficult airway patients relies on the skills and knowledge of emergency medicine and critical care providers.
Success achieving a secure airway for difficult airway patients relies on the skills and knowledge of emergency medicine and critical care providers.
Read MoreRespiratory failure due to hypoxemia and/or hypercapnia calls for oxygen therapy, positive pressure support, and possibly ventilatory support. Care for these patients may escalate and require higher flow, FiO2, and more complex devices and intensive monitoring.
Read MoreZinc deficiency may raise the risk of infection by Acinetobacter baumannii, a leading cause of ventilator-associated pneumonia, according to new research.
Read MoreThis article will discuss the invasive and noninvasive therapy options available for NICU clinicians, including bCPAP, HFO, NIV and invasive ventilation—and the factors these clinicians must weigh when initializing therapy or when it becomes necessary to escalate respiratory support.
Read MoreInternal trauma to the lungs is not the only morbidity threat to critical care patients; these patients also face the potential of external injuries due to respiratory device-related pressure injury and pressure ulcers.Â
Read MoreRecent trials demonstrate higher first-pass intubation success rates with video laryngoscopy compared to direct laryngoscopy, prompting calls for widespread adoption.
Read MoreOngoing patient monitoring by respiratory therapists and critical care staff is key to survival and outcomes in the neonatal/pediatric intensive care unit.
Read MoreHamilton Medical has introduced a new NIV mask portfolio for noninvasive ventilation with a large range of interchangeable elbows for different NIV therapy options, according to a company notice.
Read MoreScientists are now able to directly compare the different kinds of injury that mechanical ventilation causes to cells in the lungs.Â
Read MoreA new model shows that combining antibiotics with enzymes improved the removal of tough biofilms in VAP, a finding that could lead to more effective treatments.
Read MoreA research team identifies microscopic clusters of damaged lung vesicles as the cause of massive loss of lung function.
Read MoreA machine learning model has been developed by researchers to determine personalized oxygenation targets for mechanically ventilated patients.Â
Read MoreThe IntelliPAP tool automatically adjusts PEEP levels during noninvasive ventilation in patients with respiratory insufficiency and OSA.
Read MoreVeterans who received care via the Post-acute Recovery Center (PARC) model after a serious illness experienced fewer deaths and more days outside of the hospital compared to those not enrolled in PARC, according to data presented at ATS 2024.
Read MoreFamilies caring for children with a tracheostomy and mechanical ventilation have inadequate access to home health care and face major financial burdens, according to research at ATS 2024.
Read MorePatients receiving mechanical ventilation for pneumonia or sepsis have higher odds of death in hospitals with greater racial diversity.
Read MoreThe trial will examine whether VentFree, a neuromuscular electrical stimulator, can reduce the time acute respiratory failure patients spend on mechanical ventilation.
Read MoreThis article will review gas laws and how their respective variables can have an impact on ventilation and the delivery of mechanical breaths.
Read MoreThe decree mandates a recall remediation plan and production restrictions to address safety concerns following the widespread 2021 recall of CPAP and BiPAP machines.
Read MoreA large-scale study indicates that video laryngoscopy decreased the number of attempts needed to achieve endotracheal intubation compared with direct laryngoscopy.
Read MoreAdult ICUs across the nation continue to be challenged by alarm fatigue despite years of work to alleviate this problem.
Read MoreA study of critical care patients at a large children’s hospital finds unplanned extubations are common and linked to adverse events in nearly half of patients. Researchers identify the top risk factors, informing potential patient safety improvement practices.
Read MoreA Florida hospital surgical intensive care unit improved clinical alarm management practices and reduced self-reported alarm fatigue by implementing a care bundle.
Read MoreThis free, on-demand webinar from RT Magazine goes in-depth on patient-ventilator asynchrony, a frequent ICU complication that can lead to respiratory distress, longer ventilation duration and length of stay, and poor outcomes.
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