Air Pollution Drives Hospital Admissions for Lower Respiratory Infections
Men, people over 65, and those diagnosed with hypertension are the most vulnerable population groups.
Men, people over 65, and those diagnosed with hypertension are the most vulnerable population groups.
Men, people over 65, and those diagnosed with hypertension are the most vulnerable population groups.
Read MoreThe Air Quality Index may not capture all toxic pollutants from wildfire smoke, leading to potential underestimation of health risks.
Read MoreResearchers established a robust association between exposure to benzene, a prevalent airborne volatile organic compound, and insulin resistance.
Read MoreResearchers report a 22% higher risk of respiratory-related emergency visits in communities with low air conditioning availability during California’s wildfire seasons.
Read MoreAs wildfire smoke blankets Los Angeles, a UCLA Health pulmonologist offers residents tips to stay safe.
Read MoreCedars-Sinai pulmonologists are increasing clinic availability to support patients with respiratory conditions exacerbated by wildfire smoke in Los Angeles County.
Read MoreResearchers from UC San Francisco have uncovered evidence that microplastics in the air—shed from tires and degrading garbage—could be linked to serious health risks, including lung and colon cancers.
Read MoreThe likelihood of VTE was linked to anywhere from a 39% to a more than two-fold increased risk based on long-term exposure to three different types of air pollutants.
Read MoreWildfire smoke from Canadian fires in June 2023 led to a 20% rise in medical visits for lung and heart conditions in Maryland.
Read MoreAn EPA study reveals that public schools with the highest air toxic exposure risks have disproportionately higher numbers of disabled, Hispanic, Latino, and Asian students.
Read MoreAlso, researchers link traffic-related air pollution to asthmatic patients developing COPD.
Read MoreResearch predicts that vaping—in addition to smoking and air pollution—will increase the burden of COPD in Western Europe by 2050, while home NIV is expected to reduce mortality from COPD exacerbations.
Read MoreResearchers find that phosphocholine—an important component in the body’s metabolism—can counteract the toxic effects of PM2.5 on lung cells.
Read MoreThe five-part plan aims to reduce wildfire-related health risks, particularly for those with COPD and asthma, using a population health-based approach.
Read MoreA liquid-based solution uses a solvent to trap the plastic particles, leaving clean water behind.
Read MoreThe drug reduced Aβ42, the largest form of amyloid beta protein found in Alzheimer’s plaques, in mice exposed to air pollution.
Read MoreSixty-five health and medical organizations are urging the EPA to approve eight pending California clean air rules.
Read MoreNASA-funded research reveals an average 20% spike of nitrogen dioxide polluting the air for communities located near huge warehouses.
Read MoreA study has revealed that exposure to fine particulate matter prior to the retrieval of eggs during IVF can significantly reduce the odds of achieving a live birth.
Read MoreExposure to NO2 and particulate matter from birth to age 17 is associated with bronchitic symptoms in adulthood, according to new research.
Read MoreA study finds associations between in-womb exposure to air pollution and increased risk of psychosis, depression, and anxiety in adolescence.
Read MorePollutants from gas stoves rapidly infiltrate bedrooms, posing health risks even hours after cooking has stopped.
Read MoreBoot-shaped inhalers, comprising almost 90% of the US asthma medication market, have a dual impact: While crucial for saving lives, their use also contributes to climate change, releasing hydrofluorocarbon gases that are up to 3,000 times more potent than carbon dioxide with each puff.
Read MorePlus, the American Lung Association’s 2024 “State of the Air” report names the top best and worst cities for air pollution.
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