In this episode of the RT Now video podcast, we’re talking patient monitoring and pulse oximetry with Nonin Medical’s John Hastings and Aaron Lobbestael.

John and Aaron offer their perspectives on the necessity for fingertip pulse oximeters to provide accurate blood oxygen readings across all skin pigmentations, as well as insights into some of the innovation going on at their company.

Three Key Takeaways:

  1. The importance of pulse oximeter performance for all patients
  2. Pulse oximeter device performance on dark skin pigmentation
  3. A discussion of the various classifications of pulse oximeters, including FDA cleared devices, over-the-counter oximeters, and health and wellness devices


John Hastings of Nonin Medical
John Hastings, CEO of Nonin
Aaron Lobbestael of Nonin Medical
Aaron Lobbestael, senior director of advanced technology at Nonin

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