The Trump Administration has ordered federal health agencies — The Food and Drug Administration, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the National Institutes of Health — to “pause” all publicly issued external communications for the next 10 days, according to multiple media outlets (The Washington Post, The Associated Press, CNN).

The pause is in effect through February 1, according to a memo from acting HHS secretary Dorothy Fink obtained by The Associated Press.

The AP reports that the “immediate pause” covers the CDC, NIH and FDA and concerns regulations, guidance, announcements, press releases, social media posts and website posts until such communications had been approved by a political appointee.

From the AP: “In a memo obtained by The Associated Press, acting Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Dorothy Fink told agency staff leaders Tuesday that an “immediate pause” had been ordered on — among other things — regulations, guidance, announcements, press releases, social media posts and website posts until such communications had been approved by a political appointee.”

Read the AP article here.

From “The direction came without warning and with little guidance as to what exactly it covered, according to sources inside the affected agencies who asked not to be named because they were not authorized to share the information. One source said the reason for the pause and its duration were not communicated.”

Read the CNN article here.

According to the AP, experts say it’s not unusual for incoming administrations to pause some federal communications but the transition teams normally have the process in place before inauguration.