African-American and Latino children who experienced discrimination were more likely to have asthma and for the asthma to be poorly controlled than children who do not face discrimination, reports News Medical.
While the relationship between discrimination and physical health in adults is well understood, less is known about the role it plays in children.
This study is the first to show an association between discrimination and asthma diagnosis in African American and in Latino children, contributing to existing evidence implicating racial/ethnic discrimination as a predictor of negative health outcomes in children.
For asthma specifically, the findings are consistent with results correlating discriminatory experience and subsequent asthma diagnosis in African American adult women.
You can make statistic say whatever you want them to say and I suspect that is what is being done here in this “study.” Asthma being poorly controlled has little to do with “discrimination” and more to do with the level of parental involvement in the child’s healthcare. To say that, “African-American and Latino children who experienced discrimination were more likely to have asthma and for the asthma to be poorly controlled than children who do not face discrimination” is to imply that their asthma is caused by discrimination and I am not buying that conclusion. I think this is a waste of research grant money!
Mark, well said