Increased bronchitis symptoms in COPD patients can be tied to gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and/or nasal symptoms, according a study in Respiratory Investigation reported by Pulmonology Advisor.
Researchers conducted a cross-sectional study in 99 patients with stable COPD to quantify bronchitis symptoms and assess the effects of GERD and nasal symptoms on bronchitis severity.
The investigators found symptoms of GERD in 24.2% of the study population, and this was associated with more sputum symptoms. They found nasal discharge in 43.4% of participants, which was associated with more cough and sputum symptoms, whereas postnasal drip, found in 13.1%, was associated with more cough.
Extrapulmonary comorbidities should be assessed in patients with COPD and bronchitis.