Ambiguities in ICD Codes Highlight Challenges for Tracking Respiratory Infections
A new study reveals ambiguities in disease classification coding practices that complicate regional comparisons of respiratory infections.
A new study reveals ambiguities in disease classification coding practices that complicate regional comparisons of respiratory infections.
A new study reveals ambiguities in disease classification coding practices that complicate regional comparisons of respiratory infections.
Read MoreThe Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) has posted a draft of its annual 2025 GOLD Report on COPD diagnosis, management, and prevention.
Read MoreA proof-of-concept study demonstrates the potential of a noninvasive breath-based device to quickly diagnose lower respiratory tract infections.
Read MoreData shows that metered cryospray therapy with the investigational RejuvenAir System leads to airway remodeling and improved symptoms in chronic bronchitis patients.
Read MoreExposure to NO2 and particulate matter from birth to age 17 is associated with bronchitic symptoms in adulthood, according to new research.
Read MoreAntibiotics provided no measurable impact on the severity or duration of coughs, even if a bacterial infection was present, in patients seeking care for lower respiratory tract infections.
Read MoreVaping is associated with respiratory symptoms including wheeze, bronchitic symptoms, and dyspnea in young adults, independent of combustible cannabis and cigarette exposures, according to research published online in Thorax.
Read MoreThe new guide can assist providers in learning and practicing skills to prevent or manage respiratory symptoms in patients with chronic lung disease.
Read MoreContracting a lower respiratory tract infection before age 2 may increase the risk of dying prematurely in adulthood from a respiratory disease.
Read MoreRural COPD patients face higher death rates; the first step to helping these patients is understanding why these disparities exist.
Read MoreA specific mucin in the airways called MUC5AC could become a target of better therapeutics to untangle the super thick and sticky mucus that plagues COPD and cystic fibrosis patients.
Read MoreNew research has identified genes that could help protect lung cells against the harm caused by chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and potentially reverse some symptoms.
Read MoreNew research published in the journal Thorax shows that structural airway remodeling features are linked with the occurrence of chronic bronchitis (CB).
Read MorePeople who had bronchitis at least once before the age of seven are more likely to develop lung problems in later life, according to research presented at the virtual ERS 2020.
Read MoreCSA Medical has received EU approval for its cryotherapy system RejuvenAir to treat chronic bronchitis.
Read MoreA 12-month feasibility study of the RejuvenAir Metered Cryospray system revealed “clinically meaningful improvements” in COPD patients with chronic bronchitis.
Read MoreThe RheOx Bronchial Rheoplasty System delivers non-thermal energy to the airways to reduce mucus-producing cells in patients with chronic bronchitis.
Read MoreThe RheOx Bronchial Rheoplasty system delivers non-thermal energy to the airways to reduce mucus-producing cells in patients with chronic bronchitis.
Read MoreMore than 1 in 10 people with a range of non-cancerous lung diseases may be sick as a result of...
Read MoreIncreased bronchitis symptoms in COPD patients can be tied to gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and/or nasal symptoms.
Read MoreA clinical study will evaluate the safety and feasibility of treating chronic bronchitis patients with the RejuvenAir System, a “cryotherapy” spray that freezes and ablates unwanted tissue inside the lungs.
Read MoreUnited States military personnel and civilian contractors deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan may be at risk for respiratory symptoms and chronic lung disease, including asthma and constrictive bronchiolitis. Respiratory therapists can play an important role in ensuring that patients who have respiratory symptoms following deployment are provided with appropriate referral and high-quality lung function testing as part of their diagnostic evaluation.
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