The law firm of Brayton Purcell is the California sponsor of "Blow the Whistle on Asthma," the American Lung Association’s signature fundraising event to promote awareness of breathing disorders.

The firm’s employees and other participants will form teams and walk 3 miles around Spring Lake in Santa Rosa, California, to support the American Lung Association in the fight against asthma. Brayton Purcell, which has a history of sponsoring health charities, specializes in legal protections for clients affected by injury and illness.

Participants in the walk will have the opportunity to bring attention to this chronic illness. The money raised will help to provide life-saving education, research, and funds necessary to better control asthma and ultimately find a cure for a disease affecting 22 million Americans and causing 4,000 deaths annually.

The walk begins on Saturday, September 29, 10 am, at Spring Lake Regional Park in Santa Rosa. Registration starts at 9 am. Those interested in participating should visit